You may have already contacted MABS in relation to your problem debt. If not, it is a great place to start, particularly if you are concerned about making payments in relation to your home or have been called to Court for repossession proceedings on your home.
MABS is the Irish Money Advice Service. They can provide impartial free advice to help you manage your money and take control of debt.
If your debt includes arrears on a mortgage in relation to your family home, you can get support from MABS under the Abhaile scheme. Abhaile is a dedicated scheme that helps people who are behind on their mortgage (i.e. in “arrears”) to find a solution and stay in their homes where possible. If you qualify for Abhaile services, you will get a voucher to contact an expert (PIP, Accountant or Solicitor) from the Abhaile panel. Abhaile is provided free of charge and funded by the Government.
Contact MABS directly, have a look at the eligibility criteria here ( or contact us to discuss the options under this scheme further.
Karen Whitty is registered on the Abhaile panel of PIPs and Solicitors and accepts vouchers issued under the scheme.